Winners will be decided by me with some input from the collab organizers. If not, some sort of gift card can be arranged. Payments will be made via Paypal (preferably, or some other payment processor). Most Entertaining ($100 first prize, $50 for two runner ups).Best Animated ($100 first prize, $50 for two runner-ups).Prizes are simple, there are two categories: Ralph seems to have found a mysterious-yet-incredibly-durable chest on the beachside during his “vacation”! As he tries through many different “hurdles” to break it, it gains the attention of the other citizens on the beach – all of whom want to see what’s inside as well! Who will be able to successfully break open the chest, and gain the loot for themselves? Prizes
The rules, prizes, submission methods, and download links for everything are included in this Google doc, read it carefully. TL DR just watch the announcement video: Remember the Christmas collab? Well this is like that but for Summer. The collab will release on June 25th or so. An official post will be made here today or tomorrow announcing the winners!Įdit June 15th: It is the last day, entries are closed! Thanks to all who participated. Summer Collab Announcement – Stick Nodes: Treasure TroveĮdit June 26th: The collab is live ( ).
Okay, gonna go procrastinate with the Stick Nodes sprite update some more.

Similarly, maybe some awards for character design should be considered next time as well. It was a good idea to separate “best animated” as to give more people a chance to win, but the “most entertaining” category became somewhat of a blur between entertainment and uniqueness – which should be its own category for entries which really think outside the box. The quality threshold was very high, hopefully you can take away some ideas after having seen the final product, and with some practice come back for the next collab! Thank you to all who entered, even if your entry was denied. Many of the entries were absolutely great and all are worth mentioning.